8 Kasus Meninggal Karena Tertawa - Hebat!

1. Zeuxis, pelukis Yunani, menertawai lukisan wanita yang baru saja ia selesaikan. Kemudian karena tertawa terlalu berlebihan, akhirnya ia sesak napas dan mati pada akhirnya.

2. Konon, komedian Yunani, Philemon, mati karena menertawakan leluconnya sendiri.

3. Chrisyppus, seorang filsuf Yunani, mati karena tertawa pada saat melihat keledai sedang makan buah ara.

4. Mendengar cerita jorok dari saudara perempuannya, penulis dari Italia, Pietro Aretino, tertawa hingga terjungkal dari kursinya kemudian ia kejang-kejang lalu mati.

5. Pengarang eksentrik asal Skotlandia, Thomas Urquhart, mati ketika menertawakan perbaikan singgasana raja Charles II.

6. Malam bulan April 1872. Nyonya Fitzherbert, bersama teman-temannya yang berasal dari Northamptonshire pergi ke Drury Lane Theatre untuk menonton Beggar’s Opera. Ketika seorang karakter bernama Polly melakukan adegan konyol, Nyonya Fitzherbert tertawa begitu keras hingga tidak bisa berhenti dan terpaksa dikeluarkan dari ruang theatre. Satu minggu setelah malam itu, Nyonya Fitzherebert dikabarkan mati karena terserang histeria berkelanjutan.

7. 24 Maret 1975. Alex Mitchell mati tertawa saat menonton tayangan TV komedi The Goodies. Pada episode itu, muncul karakter yang berdandan khas orang Skotlandia dan bermain kungfu. Setelah 25 menit tertawa, Alex berhenti tertawa, kemudian merosot di sofa terkena serangan jantung. Istrinya yang mengetahui hal tersebut, mengirimkan surat pada Goodies karena telah membuat suaminya mati dalam kebahagiaan.

The Goodies

8. Ole Bentzen, audiolog asal Denmark mati tertawa karena menertawakan film "A Fish Called Wanda". Saat tertawa, detak jantungnya meningkat hingga 300 degupan per menit.

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AntiVirus - Berbahaya

Daftar antivirus yang sebenarnya adalah virus yang pura-pura menjadi antivirus ,tapi sudah diketahui cara liciknya. Semakin banyak saja cara virus menyebar, tetapi tidak secara langsung menyerang komputer, dia berwujud antivirus dan sekali diinstal komputer agan-agan akan dimata-matai dan suatu saat dibunuh sama virus itu, jadi jangan dipakai ya..! Kalau ada di hardisk dihapus aja.

daftarnya :

1. Cyber Security
2. Alpha Antivirus
3. Windows Enterprise Suite
4. Security Center
5. Control Center
6. Braviax
7. Windows Police Pro
8. Antivirus Pro 2010
9. PC Antispyware 2010
10. FraudTool.MalwareProtector.d
11. Winshield2009.com
12. Green AV
13. Windows Protection Suite
14. Total Security 2009
15. Windows System Suite
16. Antivirus BEST
17. System Security
18. Personal Antivirus
19. System Security 2009
20. Malware Doctor
21. Antivirus System Pro
22. WinPC Defender
23. Anti-Virus-1
24. Spyware Guard 2008
25. System Guard 2009
26. Antivirus 2009
27. Antivirus 2010
28. Antivirus Pro 2009
29. Antivirus 360 and
30. MS Antispyware 2009

Kalau agan-agan ada yang tahu Antivirus yang berbahaya selain di atas, tolong share ya..
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Code Color HTML - Kode Warna (Widget)

Bagi temen-temen atau agan-agan atau sobat blogger (hehehehe) yang bingung nyari kode warna, saya punya nih widget buat kalian semua. Silahkan menikmati (kaya mau dimakan aja) hehehe...


Kode warna terpilih adalah:

Gimana nih? Praktis ga? kalau ada kekurangannya kasih komentar aja y sob...


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Menentukan Keywords - Niche Market Keywords

Ada banyak cara untuk menentukan Keywords yang bagus atau sering disebut Niche Market. Dengan menggunakan tool yang disediakan oleh banyak website akan lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan keywords yang bagus dan masuk di 10 besar search engine seperti Google. Bagi orang-orang yang mengikuti program PPC, Keywords sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan penghasilan mereka. Kenapa demikian? Karena setiap click yang didapat akan memberikan nilai yang tinggi dari Program PPC tersebut. Salah satu Program PPC yang sangat menentukan penghasilan dari tiap click yaitu Google adsense.
Disini saya mempunyai beberapa Keyword yang bagus untuk digunakan sebagai Judul Postingan.

Ini adalah daftarnya :

1. Advertising :
advertising websites, advertising with google, advertising your business, advertising your website, adwords advertising, aerial advertising, airplane banner advertising, attorney advertising, auto advertising, automotive advertising, automotive advertising agencies, b2b advertising, best online advertising, blimp advertising, bulk email advertising, business advertising, business advertising ideas, business advertising products, business advertising signs, business to business advertising.

2. Forex Trading:
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Mau Keyword yang lain lagi? Saya akan posting selanjutnya nanti, ok...
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Belajar Bahasa Inggris - Learn English (Part 1)

Belajar Bahasa Inggris atau Learn English, tidak sesulit yang kita bayangkan. Saya akan memberikan latihan-latihan mudah agar bisa pandai berbahasa Inggris dengan cepat dan lancar. Anda tinggal baca saja latihan dibawah ini dengan serius dan konsentrasi. Silahkan anda memulai membaca.

Key to Exercises

Latihan 1.1.
1. Where are we making a cake?  2. Where am I eating?  3. Where is Andi reading the book?  4. Where is she watching TV?  5. Where are we going to keep the clothes?  6. Where are they going to study after leaving Junior High School?  7. Where does your father work?  8. Where do flowers grow?  9. Where were the girls?  10. where did they go a few days ago?  11. Where did you see the beautiful tie?  12. Where was he when you saw him?  13. Where did she go last year?  14. Where did you go during your holiday?  15. Where was Mary born?

Latihan 1.2.
1. T  2. F  3. T  4. F  5. T  6. T  7. F  9. T  10. F  11. F  12. T  13. F  14. F  15. T

Latihan 1.3
1. I don’t know where he stayed  2. Can you tell me where she works?  3. Tell me where she was born  4. Tell me where your father lives  5. I don’t know where you are staying now.  6. Can you tell me where we should go  7. Can you tell me where you are going to hide the parcel  8. I don’t know where she bought those books  9. Tell me where he will put these glasses  10. I don’t know where they drove the new car.

Latihan 1.4.
1. Nobody knows where she lives  2. He told us where they went last night  3. I know where you can meet me  4. I don’t know where the Post Office is  5. Tell me where we can buy a good television  6. The policeman told him where he should go  7. Tell me where she is going to spend her holiday this year.  8. The old man informed the police where the thief hid the stolen car  9. I know where they will give a birthday party  10. Ask him where we shall eat dinner.

Latihan 2.1.
1. Have someone clean the windows. 2.Have someone take another photograph.   3. Have someone mend the shoes.   4. Have someone feed the kittens.   5. Have someone translate the letter into English. 6. Have someone put the apples in the box.   7. Have someone tune the piano. 8. Have someone read the story book to me.   9. Have someone cut your hair.   10. Have someone peel the potatoes.   11. Have someone make lessons interesting.   12. Have someone send him to school.  13. Have someone cut down the avocado tree. 14. Have someone open the door.   15.  Have someone paint the wall. 

Latihan 2.2.
1. Have him wash the car in the garage.  2. He has her cook a delicious soup.  3. I have him invite his brother on Sunday.  4. The policeman has me stop my car.  5. I have the tailor lengthen my trousers.  6. We have the carpenter make a big table. 7. I have them clean the house every day.  8. They have the waiter bring five glasses of orange juice.  9. My mother has Alice take care of the cats in her house.  10. The teacher has the students do the homework.

Latihan 2.3.
1. I have him drive the car.  2. They have me post the letter at the post office.  3. The dog trainer has the dog get the stick. 4. We have somebody whitewash the ceiling.  5. They have the gardener clean the garden every morning.  6. I have Doni fix my bicycle.   7. Have someone repair the phone.  8. Mother had the daughter keep the money in the bank. 9. The guest had the cleaning lady clean his bathroom.  10. I had Doni bring me a cup of tea.  11. My father had the driver deliver the present to my grandma.  12. I had someone clean my shoes.  13. We had the cook prepare our breakfast.  14. The doctor had the patient drink the pills for 3 days.  15. She had the elephant sit on the chair.

Latihan 2.4.
1. Have the piano tuned  2. Have the floor cleaned.  3. Have the bird put in the cage  4. Have the story book read to the children  5. Have the article written  6. Have this book thrown away  7. Have these questions answered  8. Have this problem solved  9. Have the cupboard pushed  10. Have the parcel sent  11. Have the horse ridden  12. Have the door knocked down  13. Have the hole on the sweater stitched. 14. Have the note written down  15. Have an aria sung.

Latihan 2.5.
1. I had the milk drunk  2. We had the homework done  3. She had the shop closed  4. I had the sofa moved near the window  5. The director had the letters typed  6.  He will have the rabbit brought to the vet  7. I will have some crabs caught  8. I will have a cup of coffee made  9. They will have the balls in the cupboard taken  10. Mother will have some eggs boiled.
Latihan 2.6.
Why don’t you have the plumber fix it; Well, I think it’s better to have the carpenter straighten them; Don’t you think you can’t have the cleaning lady change it? ; You can have the boy next door polish it ; I can have you change it, can’t I? ; Well, if youo can have somebody else do it, why should you?

Latihan 3.1.
1. to sit  2. type  3. to get  4. to stay  5. to have  6. to get  7. to play 8. to avoid  9. to have 10. to be

Latihan 3.2.
1. I work hard in order to finish this job on time.  2. The babies drink milk in order to get strong.  3. I open the address book in order to know where Alice lives.  4. Rudy goes to the bank in order to work.  5. Ali goes to the market in order to sell vegetables.  6. The students study hard in order to face the project presentation.  7. She works day and night in order to feed her family. 8. The doctor came into the operation room in order to operate on the patient.  9. She will go to Singapore in order to sell the furniture.  10. He went to USA in order to meet his family.

Latihan 3.3.

Latihan 3.4.
1. to  2. for  3. for  4. to  5. to  6. for  7. for  8. to  9. for  10. to  11. for  12. to  13. to  14. for  15. to

Latihan 3.5.
1. Mother buys flour, eggs, and butter to make / for making cakes.  2. They went to the village to visit / for visiting their Grandma.  3. The boys go to the river to swim / for swimming.  4. The monkeys are climbing the tree to look for / for looking for some food.  5. The young woman went to cinema to watch / for watching movie.  6. She was in the garden to plant / for planting a rose flower.  7. The little girl goes to her room to take / for taking a nap.  8. They use a Post office to send / for sending the presents.  9. The beggar knocks at the door to ask / for asking for a drink and some food.  10. We go to the grocers to buy / for buying some sugar.  11. She collects some books to make / for making a library in her house.  12. The fishermen go to the sea to catch / for catching fish. 13. He is looking for a piece of paper and a pen to write / for writing a letter.  14. He wore flowery boxers to attend / for attending a beach party.  15. They peeled some apples to make / for making apple juice.

Latihan 4.1.
1. have been playing  2. have been learning  3. has been working  4. have been looking 5. has been sitting  6. have been coming  7. have been waiting  8. has been reading  9. have been working  10.  has been raining  11. has been lying  12. have been talking  13.  have been writing  14. have been running  15. has  been crying  16. has been staying  17. have been listening  18. has been sitting  19. have been preparing  20, has been watching

Latihan 4.2.
1. I’ve been shopping all day  2. She’s been cooking all morning  3. He’s been working on a new project  4. She’s been swimming in the sea for hours  5. She’s been touring the town all day  6. He’s been practicing for the concert tonight  7. He’s been waiting in the station for two hours  8. You have been looking for my credit card all afternoon  9. Father has been suffering from kidney trouble for months  10. They have not been speaking to each other since the last time they quarreled.
Latihan 4.3.
1. likes, does not like  2. hate, like  3. am listening to, mother is sewing  4. do not have, have  5. hear, walk  6. Look, is crossing  7. know, like, hate  8. are drinking, love  9. is studying, wants  10. wish

Latihan 4.4.
1. Salah  2. Benar  3. Benar  4. Salah  5. Benar  6. Salah  7. Salah  8. Salah  9. Benar  10. Benar  11. Benar  12. Benar  13. Benar  14. Salah  15. Salah

Latihan 5.1.
1. nicely   2. angrily  3. late  4. happily  5. near  6. grumpily  7. sourly  8. brightly  9. badly  10. well   11. carefully  12. wonderfully  13.  patiently  14. slowly  15. prettily  16. hard  17. sweetly  18. softly   19. bitterly  20. certainly

Latihan 5.2.
1. slowly  2. angrily  3. carefully  4. fast  5. warmly  6. high  7. well  8. secretly  9. kindly  10. foolishly  11. exceptionally  12. furiously  13. quickly  14. sleepily  15. bitterly   

Latihan 5.3.
1. He talked to the old man loudly.  2. Tom denied angrily that he had hit this dog or Tom denied that he had hit this dog angrily. 3. I think highly of you.  4. He looked at me jealously.  5. The artificial flowers were beautifully made with paper.    6. That boy behaves badly.  7. They orphan receive the gifts happily.  8. The boss comes into the meeting room hurriedly.  9. They rashly attempt to pass the mountain on foot.  10. My mother sends me some money regularly.  11. He spent his money carelessly.  12. She is a diligent girl. She always finishes her work carefully.  13. That is not polite. You talked disgracefully yesterday.   14. They are doing the exam seriously.  15. He wants to work in this office eagerly.

Latihan 5.4.
1. angrily  2. brightly  3. calmly  4. fair  5. rudely  6. carelessly  7. fluently  8. slowly  9. hard  10. badly

Latihan 6.1.
1. Who wants  a little lamb? 2. Which lamb does she want?  3. Which is white with a black patch on the eye?  4. Who needs more exercises?  5. Who sends you a lot of love with kisses?  6. Which is Maria? 7. Which dog do you like?  8. Who failed in the biology exam yesterday? 9. Who does not want coffee in his milk?  10. Which drink does he want?

Latihan 6.2.
1. who  2. which  3. who  4. who  5. which  6. which  7. who  8. who  9. which  10. who

Latihan 6.3.
1. which  2. who  3. which  4. which  5. who  6. who  7. who  8. who  9. who  10. which

Latihan 6.4.
1. which  2. who  3. who  4. which  5. who  6. which  7. which  8. who  9. which  10. who

Latihan 6.5.
1. The woman who is standing near the pole wears high heels  2. The man who is sitting on the chair is bold  3. The balloons which are hung on the pole are colorful  4. The man who is talking to Jane is my uncle  5. The lady who has blonde hair is Mrs Mariah Travolta  6. The table which is placed at the corner is full of food  7. The clock which is near the picture is very big  8. The woman who is sitting on the chair is drunk  9. The lady who wears eye glasses drinks a lot of beer  10. The lady who wears eye glasses has a funny hair style.

Latihan 6.6.
1. Bambang, who fines me this morning, is  a police officer.  2. The book over there, which is extremely thick, is an English dictionary  3. The gir who was injured in the accident was taken to the hospital  4. The bag which has a hand-phone in it is stolen by a thief  5. The girl who works as a waitress in  a restaurant  is very impolite and impatient  6. The dog which barked all night long last night is now lying dead.  7. The hurricane which destroyed the whole city is named “Katrina”. 8. Mr Amir Somad, who designed the National Park, is an architect.  9. The pictures, which are beautiful, are painted by Abdullah.  10. Nancy, who is a pharmacist, is making medicine in the laboratory.

Latihan 6.7.
1. whom  2. who  3. whom  4. whom  5. who  6. whom  7. who  8. who  9. whom  10. who

Latihan 6.8.
1. Where is the shop which you sold the picture to  2. This is the wallet which you dropped last night  3. Robert works for a company which sells furniture  4. Anita bought a fantastic horse which won the last horse race.  5. I saw a movie which many people many people admire.  6. Sonia borrowed my novel which I bought last week  7. Tom asked me to write a poem which he will give to his girlfriend  8. Noel draws a picture which his teacher likes very much  9. Tata is studying Math, which Father says is easy  10. Mother is cooking fried rice, which I think is too spicy.

Latihan 6.9.
1. which  2. who  3. whom  4. who  5. which  6. whom  7. which  8. whom  9. who  10. which

Latihan 7.1.
1. tidak  2. bisa  3. bisa  4. tidak  5. tidak  6. bisa  7. bisa  8. tidak  9. bisa  10. bisa  11. bisa  12.  bisa  13. bisa  14. tidak  15. tidak 

Latihan 7.2.
1. bought  2. washed  3. fed  4. played  5. built  6. repaired  7. washed  8. cut down  9. visited  10. brought  11. driven  12. peeled  13. stolen  14. mended  15. done

Latihan 7.3.
1. Every senior citizen was visited  2. Her clothes were sewn  3. Tables and chairs were made in this workshop  4. I was promised a good salary  5. A new school was built  6. My questions were answered  7. The money is kept in the bank  8. Good milk and cheese is sold in this farm  9. I was told a secret thing  10. The food was ordered and paid.

Latihan 7.4.
1. The guest is given a cup of tea.  2. The books are brought here by my brother.  3. The temple was built in 1645.  4. I was made a headmaster in this school.  5. The students are told where to sit.  6. Meat is sold in the market.  7. He is looked after well.  8. Someone is asked the difficult question. 9. The prisoners are ordered to sit down.  10. The man was forgotten.  11. This game is played by two children.  12. The soup is spoilt.  13. The sticks are brought by my dog to the garden.  14. Bags are sold in the shop.  15. We are punished for something which we don’t know.

Latihan 7.5.
1. The cat is not fed in the kitchen.  2. We are not promised a story book.  3. I was not introduced to the guests.  4. The window is not cleaned.  5. The photographs are not taken by my sister.  6. Alice was not shown how to open the jammed door.  7. The poems are not written by Jim.  8. The electrician was not paid for his work.  9. This book is not finished.  10. She was not refused a passport.

Latihan 7.6.
1. The new clothes were not put in the wardrobe  2. The floor is not swept  3. You were not told who we are  4. My questions were not answered  5. We were not asked to wait here  6.  The old woman is not helped to bring the wood  7. You were not told how to behave  8. The magazine is not bought in this shop. 9. All the pie on the table was not eaten up.  10. This house was not slept in before. 

Latihan 7.7.
1. be done  2. is done  3. was done  4. Is the house built … ?  5. Was the house built …?  6. should be asked  7. is asked  8. was asked  9. Is the table made …?  10. Was the table made …?

Latihan 8.1.
1. They used to live in a big house.  2. Father used to go jogging every morning.  3. I used to go to school on foot  4. My family used to live in a small village  5. Grandfather used to be very healthy  6. They used to be married  7. Father used to tell Nasreddin stories before going to bed  8. I used to wear a white and red uniform  9. I used to be in love with Mandy  10. I used to be very slim

Latihan 8.2.
Used to be ; used to pay ; used to send ; used to interview ; did not use to relax ; used to work  ; did not use to have  ; used to type  ; used to be

Latihan 8.3.
1. We did not use to be very rich  2. Mother did not use to have long hair  3. My uncle did not use to speak Japanese when he worked for Honda.  4. My teacher did not use to punish me when I was late for a class.  5. Mr.Niki Sakamoto did not use to sail around the world.  6. My father did not use to feed the chickens in the morning.  7. My mother did not use to be angry with me when I was late after school.  8. My dogs did not use to play with the neighbors’ cats.  9. I did not use to eat chicken porridge for my breakfast.  10. There did not use to be a famous singer lived in front of my house.
1. Did we use to be very rich? 2. Did Mother use to have long hair?  3. Did my uncle use to speak Japanese when he worked for Honda?  4. Did my teacher use to punish me when I was late for a class?  5. Did Mr.Niki Sakamoto use to sail around the world?  6. Did my father use to feed the chickens in the morning?  7. Did my mother use to be angry with me when I was late after school? 8. Did my dogs use to play with the neighbors’ cats?  9. Did I use to eat chicken porridge for my breakfast?  10. Did there use to be a famous singer lived in front of my house?

Latihan 8.4.
1. betul  2. salah  3. betul  4. betul  5. salah  6. betul  7. salah  8. salah  9. betul  10. betul

Latihan 8.5.
1. used to  2. use  3. driving  4. getting up  5. swim  6. be  7. watch  8. eating  9. living  10. living

Latihan 9.1.
1. shocking  2. surprising  3. boring  4. tiring  5. satisfying  6. freshening  7. astonishing  8. frightening  9. haunting  10. rumbling

Latihan 9.2.
1. bored  2. disappointed  3. depressed  4. embarrassed 5. worried  6. horrified  7. surprised  8. excited  9. confused  10. annoyed

Latihan 9.3.
1. boring, bored  2. scaring, scared  3. tired  4. finished  5. interested, interesting  6. fascinating  7. amazing  8. excited  9. amazing  10. frightening.

Latihan 9.4.
1. The accident was terrifying; I was terrified looking at the accident.  2. The kitchen is very disgusting. ; I’m disgusted with the kitchen   3. Tata is interested in Math.  ; Tata finds Math very interesting.  4. He often finds his job exhausting.  ; At the end of the day’s work he is often exhausted.  5. The noise was very irritating.  ; I was irritated by the noise.

Latihan 9.5.
Excited; amazing ; astonished  ; shocked  ; worried  ; disappointed ; depressed ; surprised; pleased

Latihan 9.6
Interesting; excited ; tired ; shocking; worried; embarrassing 

Latihan 10.1.
1. diving  2. running  3. sitting  4. telling  5. getting  6. smoking  7. falling  8. being  9. telling  10. buying

Latihan 10.2.
1. working  2. telling  3. being  4. schooling  5. telling  6. driving  7. saying  8. working  9. telling  10. opening

Latihan 10.3.
1. moving  2. having  3. meeting  4. getting  5. rafting

Latihan 10.4.
1. your telling  2. my coming  3. his being  4. my explaining  5. her marrying

Latihan 10.5.
1. to open  2. singing  3. taking  4. making  5. coming  6. to know  7. buying  8. to pick  9. to become  10. telling  11. to come  12. telling  13. falling  14. to drop  15. to tell

Latihan 11.1.
1. am studying/have studied/have been studying  2. is playing/has played/has been paying  3. is taking /has taken/has been taking  4. am painting/have painted/have been painting  5. are going/have gone/have been going  
Latihan 11.2.
1. was making/had made/had been making  2. were watching/had watched/had been watching  3. were barking/had barked/had been barking 4. was talking/had talked/had been talking  5. were waiting/we had waited/had been waiting 

Latihan 11.3.
1. will be celebrating/will have celebrated/will have been celebrating 2. will be visiting/will have visited/will have been visiting  3. will be playing/will have played/will have been playing 4.will be renovating/will have renovated/will have been renovating  5. will be writing/will have written/will have been writing

Latihan 11.4.
1. would be moving/would have moved/would have been moving 2. would be working/would have worked/would have been working  3. would be writing/would have written/would have been writing 4.would be studying/would have studied/would have been studying  5. would be sleeping/would have slept/would have been sleeping

Latihan 11.5.
Is  - gets  - drives  - was  - asked  - gave  - thanked  - loves  - will become  - will buy

Latihan 11.6.
Is cooking  - is practicing  - is listening  - was cooking  - was listening  - was practicing  - will be doing  - will be cooking  - will be practicing  - will be listening

Latihan 11.7.
1. had slept  2. had had  3. will have begun  4. have bought  5. have had  6. have been  7. have just cleaned  8. will have started  9. will have been  10. will have graduated

Latihan 11.8.
1. have been playing  2. has been studying  3. has been running  4. has been working  5. had been playing  6. had been studying  7. had been running  8. had been working  9. will have been studying  10. will have been working

Latihan 12.1.
1. Mother had Tamara get the washing in. 2. Mother had Tamara go to the supermarket 3. Mother had Tamara buy some vegetables, meat and chili sauce. 4. Mother had Tamara stop at the bakery shop to get a black forest tart  5. Mother had Tamara tell Aunt Poppy why she could not come 6. Mother had Tamara make dinner for Tonny, her father and herself. 7. Mother had Tamara make sure that Tonny took his vitamin after meal. 8. Mother had Tamara help Tonny to do his homework. 9. Mother had Tamara feed the dog. 10. Mother had Tamara make sure that all the doors and the windows were locked.

Latihan 12.2.
1. b  2. c  3. a  4. a  5. c  6. b  7. b  8. c  9. c  10. c  11. b  12. b  13. b  14. b  15. c  16. c  17. a  18. b  19. b  20. a  21. c  22. d  23. a  24. c  25. b  26. c  27. d  28. d  29. c  30. d

Latihan 12.3
1. He has been running  2. It has been raining all day  3. They have been fighting since an hour ago  4. She has been playing the piano for two hours  5. He has been repairing the car all morning.

Latihan 12.4.  
1. F  2. T  3. F  4. T  5. T  6. F  7. T  8. T  9. F  10. T  11. T  12. T  13. T  14. F  15. F  16. F  17. F  18. F  19. F  20. F  21. F  22. T  23. F  24. F  25. T  26. T  27. F  28. T  29. T  30. T

Latihan 12.5.  
1. The cat is chased by the dog  2. The food is nibbled by a mouse  3. The ball is caught by the dolphin  4. The hair was pulled by the monkey in the cage  5. The salmon were devoured by the whale.

Latihan 12.6.  
1. a  2. b 3. b  4. b  5. a  6. a  7. b  8. b  9. b  10. a  11. a  12. b  13. a  14.  b  15. a  16. a  17. b  18. b  19. a  20. a  21. a  22. a  23. b  24. a  25. a  26. b  27. a 28. b  29. b  30. a

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